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Welcome to 5th grade!  In fifth grade students have matured over the past several years in the Intermediate School.  They are better able to focus and apply their skills to more challenging work.  The students, parents, and teachers work together to prepare students for the next level of their education.

The Fifth Grade Curriculum - Core Subjects

Language Arts 5 
The fifth grade language arts program consists of many different elements.  The students at this level often read independently.  In fifth grade, we are still concentrating on increasing and using new vocabulary and recalling events of a story, as well as time sequencing and predicting outcomes by using story events and experience clues.  By continuing to develop these skills, students become more fluent readers and have a better understanding of what they read.  These objectives are reached through the use of a variety of mediums.  The textbook is one medium that is used.  The use of additional resources aid in the accomplishment of goals and enable all students to meet some level of success.  The fifth grade curriculum also focuses on grammar, writing, reading, and spelling.  Students are expected to know and expand upon these basics.  This is done by reviewing the above mentioned skills then incorporating them into the student’s ability to think, write, and analyze.  The students are also introduced to the steps of the writing process.  These steps are then followed to produce final products. Differentiated instruction is used  to meet individual student needs.

Mathematics 5 
Math 5 reviews, reinforces and introduces some more advanced computational skills using whole numbers in the four computational areas.  Decimals are introduced and computational skills are developed in the areas of addition, subtraction and multiplication.  Basic concepts of geometry, measurement, graphing, patterns, statistics and probability are developed.  Fractions are introduced and the foundation for computational skills with them is advanced.  Strategies are developed throughout the course to instill in the students a problem solving approach and develop critical thinking and reasoning skills.

Science 5
Four units of instruction are the focus including: Environmental Science, From Bacteria to Plants, Weather and Climate, and D.A.R.E.   (1) Environmental Science is the study of challenging concepts such as populations, communities, biomes, ecosystems, living resources, and non-living resources.  (2) From Bacteria to Plants begins with the concept of living things.  It then expands from the smallest living organisms to plants.  (3) Weather and Climate provides a background from atmosphere to weather factors to lead into weather patterns and long term climate and climate control.  (4) D.A.R.E. is provided by the South Fayette Township Police Department.  The focus is the D.A.R.E. decision-making model.

Social Studies 5
Social Studies in fifth grade focuses on our country’s place in the world.  In the first part of the semester, the students are guided on a journey as they investigate the discovery of our continent and country from the Ice Age through to the American Revolution.  The civics component of the semester develops an understanding of the structure of the United States government, the Constitution and our rights and responsibilities as citizens.     Students participate in a variety of activities as they connect past, present and future and are assessed using multiple instructional and assessment techniques. The students do not focus on memorization of facts, but rather on understanding of concepts and critical thinking.  Emphasis is placed on developing written and oral communication skills throughout the course.
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